An Orthopantomogram (OPG), also known as an “orthopantogram” or “panorex”, is a panoramic scanning dental X-ray of the upper and lower jaw. It shows a two-dimensional view of a half-circle from ear to ear.
Diagnostic uses
OPGs are used by Dentists to provide information on:
- Impacted wisdom teeth
- Periodontal bone loss
- Finding the source of dental pain
- Assessment for the placement of dental implants
- Orthodontic assessment
- Broad anatomic region is imaged.
- Low radiation dose.
- Convenient, easy and fast. The entire procedure takes 14 seconds exposure time.
- Procedure can be performed on patients who cannot open their mouth.
- Easy for edentulous patients, patients who do not tolerate intraoral procedure well, patients with multiple tooth / Oral pathology.
- No overlapping of facial bones
Evaluation of trauma, third molar, extensive pathology.
- Evaluation of tooth development especially mixed dentation analysis.
- Evaluation of development anomalies like cleft palate.
- Minimal fluid inmaxillary sinus can be caught in his X-ray.
- Temporo mandibular joint pathology, dislocation or fractures can be clearly visualized without overlap.
- Styloid process visualization is very easily achieved.
- Multiple dental/oral problems caused by tobacco/Pan masala chewing in elders & Chocolates in children are caught by a single X-ray.
- Gross localization of Nasal Cavity/Ethomodial sinus/Maxillary sinus tumors & other pathology can be done at a very low price compared to the CT/MRI.
OPG is very useful for following faculties :
- Dental
- Maxillo facial Surgery
- Plastic Surgery
- Cancer Surgery
- Orthopedic Surgery
- ENT Surgery