By and large, we may define Laser Gum De-pigmentation as a dental procedure that is mainly executed to remove the pigments and ugly spots from the gums which is caused due to excessive melanin. Generally, the color of the Gingiva or the gum tissue is pink in color, but due to the accumulation of excessive melanin, the patient experience ugly patches on gum tissues which is considered to be a cosmetic dental problem. Many reasons can be attributed to the development of patches in the gum tissues. It has been found out that the use of certain synthetic medications for long-term and smoking can cause gum patches. However, there are several treatments available in dentistry to treat this type of problem. The treatment options include surgical, chemical and laser. If the patient is seeking a permanent treatment, he/she may opt for laser gum de-pigmentation. This procedure is not only effective but also painless and bloodless.