What Helps You With Pain After Dentist Teeth Cleaning?

Undesirable side effects, but not so rare, are sensitivities and pain after a professional cleaning. How do these irritations arise? And above all, what can you do to make them disappear quickly?

What happens during dentist teeth cleaning?

Dental surgeons recommend dentist teeth cleaning two times a year as it removes tartar and plaque from each tooth with ultrasound, floss or powdered equipment. The instruments penetrate every space, even below the gum line.Depending on the effort, this dental treatment lasts between 30 and 90 minutes.

Only with regular oral hygiene – brushing in the morning and the evening, using interdental brushes and dental floss – the pads on the teeth cannot be completely removed. After some days, a so-called biofilm is formed again, mainly because the patients return to old habits, for example, regularly drinking coffee and black tea. After a while, this can mineralize to tartar. For this reason, professional teeth cleaning at cyclic intervals is recommended.

Why is there pain?

After cleaning, patients occasionally complain of pain that is particularly noticeable in the tooth necks. It is sensitive to cold and heat as well as acidic foods and drinks. Even with larger periodontal pockets, increased irritation is not uncommon.

The reason behind this can be that the patient is naturally susceptible to pain because tartar forms a kind of protective layer against the effects of temperature. If this is removed, the necks are free and react accordingly.

On the other hand, the treatment was perhaps carried out rather rudely. Teeth cleaning dentist, who have been specially trained for this activity, work in dental practices. Incidentally, additional training is one of the reasons for the cost of deep cleaning teeth.

However, if you do not work carefully and with consideration for the person in the dentist’s chair, pain is possible, but usually, it disappears after two to three days. It is conceivable, among other things, that the airflow was not appropriately used, and the powder was applied with too high pressure to the gingival sulcus.

If you feel prolonged pain, go to the dentist again in any case. Also, inflammations should be assessed by the specialist. Ask for deep teeth cleaning cost before undergoing any procedure.

How to prepare for the cleaning?

  • People at very high risk of endocarditis should take antibiotic prophylaxis.
  • Disinfect the oral cavity before and after. Most suitable are rinses.
  • In any case, tell the specialist assistant if you have implants because they must not be treated with specific cleaning agents.
  • Upon completion of the treatment, artificial fluoride is used for the necks of the teeth, significantly reducing pain sensitivity.
  • Patients are too afraid of pain; of course, surface anesthesia is possible. Your practitioner will apply a gel, which will cause a slight numbness.
  • Patients with anxiety can be met in personal practices, for example using hypnosis techniques.

What remedies help with a toothache?

As a home remedy, tea tree oil and juniper oil have been proven. They both have antibacterial and antiviral properties. Using a blunt cannula, inject a small amount of the oil directly into the interdental spaces. Please do not swallow as they both irritate the stomach; that’s why they are not suitable for children. Not quite as effective, but still helpful is to chew juniper berries.

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