
venkateshwar dental venkateshwar hospital

Painless Microscope Assisted (RCT)

painless microscope assisted rct

Among the many treatments available to help patients to uphold their infected and decayed teeth, the most advanced and painless treatment to treat infected teeth is Painless Root Canal Treatment or RCT. Painless Root Canal Treatment is a procedure that is mainly executed by dentists to remove the pulp tissues from the decayed or infected teeth. This treatment procedure has turned out to be extremely effective and painless. Such are the wondrous results of this treatment that it can be said that it is nothing less than a boon for dental patients who were previously left with no option but to remove the decayed or infected teeth.

Who Needs Root Canal Treatment?

  • Patients experiencing pounding pain in their tooth, especially during the night while sleeping.
  • Patients who complain of sensation while having cold or hot drinks or food.
  • Patients with swelling in their jawbone or around the gums.

Why Painless Root Canal Treatment Is Required?

When infected or decayed tooth is left untreated then the infection may fan out into the tooth’s substance, which may further infect the pulp. If the pulp of the patient becomes infected, then it starts degenerating. Like all other types of infection, there is a formation of pus-pocket in this condition at the tip of the roots within the jawbone, which is known as abscess. So, the patients will complain about severe pain and swelling because of this abscess. This may further affect the jawbone as well. Therefore, Root Canal Treatment is becomes the necessity of the hour to treat the condition.


The procedure begins with, the dentists drilling the infected area so as to access the infected pulp. Once they drill the area, the dentists will remove the infect pulp tissue and then continue drilling the root canal. After removing the pulp and drilling the root canal, the dentists would cleanse the canal and disinfect with the help of saline water and medical compounds. Next, the dentists to seal the canals and to prevent the occurrence of future infections use the standard filling material. After filling and sealing the canals, the tooth is covered with the help of crown to protect it from fractures. The crown is placed immediately after the filling is done. The reason being that it becomes very difficult to save the tooth once the tooth is fractured.